Integrated MA


and PhD

A bridge course offered by Swami Japasiddhananda Maharaj, for the newly admitted students in the programme "MA Integrated in Sanskrit" (MAIS), Department of Sanskrit and Philosophy, RKMVERI, Belur Main Campus

A four credit course in Saṃskṛtabhāṣāpraveśaḥ offered by Swami Japasiddhananda Maharaj, for the first year students in the programme "MA Integrated in Sanskrit" (MAIS), Department of Sanskrit and Philosophy, RKMVERI, Belur Main Campus

"Vedapāṭhaḥ-2" is a 2 credit honours course for the 2nd year students of the Integrated MA in Sanskrit programme, in the Department of Sanskrit and Philosophy, School of Indian Heritage, RKMVERI, Belur main campus. It consists of  the following:

  1. Devīsūktam
  2. Ācāryopadeśaḥ
  3. Upaniṣat-sārasaṃgrahaḥ
  4. Brahmānanda-mīmāṃsā
  5. Sadācāra-pradarśanaṃ brahmānandānubhavaśca
  6. Mantrapuṣpam
  7. Puruṣasūktam
  8. Nārāyaṇopaniṣat
  9. Saṅghamantraḥ
  10. Yativandanamantrāḥ
  11. Śāntimantrāḥ
  12. Śraddhāsūktam

"Aṣṭādhyāyī-Amarakoṣa-Pāṭhaḥ" is a co-curricular remedial class, arranged for the first year students in the programme Integrated MA in Sanskrit (MAIS), in the Department of Sanskrit and Philosophy, School of Indian Heritage, RKMVERI, Belur main campus. Proper pronunciation and traditional recital of the Aṣṭādhyāyī sūtras of Pāṇini, and the verses of Amarakoṣa is taught in the class.

About the course: Aṣṭādhyāyī comprises of 3987 aphorisms (sūtras) composed by Pāṇini. It consists of eight chapters and hence the name Aṣṭādhyāyī. Each chapter is again divided into four sections. Pāṇini's sutras (pithy statements or succinct formulas) give the rules of Sanskrit grammar applicable both to the classical literature as well as the Vedic lore. Nāmaliṅgānuśāsanam is a lexicon in verse form composed by the illustrious Amara-siṃha. The book familiarly came to be known in as Amarakoṣa, thanks to the unsurpassed task accomplished by the author. The lexicon contains nearly 1530 verses which give synonyms, gender, and other details regarding the usage of Sanskrit words.

Objective: Strengthening of the fundamentals of Sanskrit knowledge system.

Outcome of the course: Memorisation of Aṣṭādhyāyī helps diligent students in the multiple ways as they would have the rules of grammar at their fingertips, while Amarakoṣa enhances the word power.

A three credit course in Sāṃkhyakārikā (1-30 kārikāḥ) (30), Yogasūtre Samādhipādaḥ Vyāsabhāṣyasahitaḥ (20) offered by Swami Japasiddhananda Maharaj, for the third year students in the programme "MA Integrated in Sanskrit" (MAIS), Department of Sanskrit and Philosophy, RKMVERI, Belur Main Campus

Text Book: Sāṅkhyatattvakaumudī by Śrījvālāprasāda Gauḍa

A four credit course in Saṃskṛtasāhityetihāsaḥ offered by Swami Japasiddhananda Maharaj, for the second year students in the programme "MA Integrated in Sanskrit" (MAIS), Department of Sanskrit and Philosophy, RKMVERI, Belur Main Campus

Text Book: Saṃskṛtasāhityetihāsaḥ by Ramachandra Mishra

A three credit course in Kaṭhopaniṣat Śāṅkarabhāṣyasametā. The Upaniṣad studied and taught by the disciples of Kaṭha along with the commentary of Śrī-Śaṅkara is the content of the course

Course Instructor and the Pupils: The course is offered by Swami Japasiddhananda Maharaj, for the third year students in the programme "MA Integrated in Sanskrit" (MAIS), Department of Sanskrit and Philosophy, RKMVERI, Belur Main Campus

Text Book: Kaṭhopaniṣat, published by Gita Press / Upaniṣat Granthāvalī with Bengali translation by Revered Swami Gambhirananda ji Maharaj, published by Udbodhan Office, Kolkata

Source of the text: Kaṭhopaniṣat belongs to the Kaṭha recension of the Kṛṣṇayajurveda

Video recording (in the teaching mode) of the Vedic Chanting classes, by Swami Japasiddhananda Maharaj, for the third year students in the programme "MA Integrated in Sanskrit" (MAIS), Department of Sanskrit and Philosophy, RKMVERI, Belur Main Campus

Text Book: Saṅkṣiptasasvara-vedamantrāḥ published by Ramakrishna Math, Bengaluru.

Course Outcome: The holy Vedic hymns are regularly chanted by the pious, and devout Hindus. These wonderful hymns enhance the intellectual capacity, and ensure well being in all beings. These are highly efficacious, and time tested. The fruit of chanting the hymns can be realised by one and all through devoted rendition, coupled with faith, and sincerity of purpose

  1. Svastinomimītāṃ sūktam
  2. Śrīgaṇeśasūktam
  3. Hiraṇyagarbhasūktam
  4. Tattvopadeśaḥ
  5. Śrīrudrapraśnaḥ
  6. Viṣṇusūktam
  7. Bhāgyasūktam
  8. Nāsadīyasūktam
  9. Śivasaṅkalpamantraḥ

"Vedapāṭhaḥ-1" is a 2 credit honours course for the 1st year students of the Integrated MA in Sanskrit programme, in the Department of Sanskrit and Philosophy, School of Indian Heritage, RKMVERI, Belur main campus. It consists of  the following:

  1. Śrīviṣṇusahasranāma-stotram
  2. Śāntimantras
  3. Medhāsūktam
  4. Durgāsūktam
  5. Nārāyaṇasūktam